
Sunday, October 12, 2014

CBS Medical Expert Praises Ebola Response, Discourages ‘Magical Thinking’

Source: --- Sunday, October 12, 2014
CBS chief medical correspondent John LaPook told Face the Nation' s Bob Schieffer Sunday morning that the public health community's response to the first case of Ebola was heartening, and tamped down on theories that the second case represented some mutation or undiscovered aspect of the virus. "This is a great time not to have magical thinking," LaPook said. "We have forty years of experience treating Ebola. We know how it's transmitted. There is no evidence from a huge New England Journal of Medicine review that this virus is any different than any of the previous viruses, that it's mutating or anything like that." "What protects the community is the public health system," LaPook continued, "isolating the person, making sure you track down their contacts. And I have to say after some missteps at the beginning, where the apartment wasn't clean, people weren't moved out, the health care system did a very good job of responding to this. In fact it only took forty-eight hours for the CDC to track down all forty-eight contacts." Compare with ABC News' medical expert's less sober response this morning. Watch the clip below, via CBS News: OO.ready(function() { OO.Player.create('ooyalaplayer-xjN2MycTo83hC7SxBeORrrR8-ov7O1FA', 'xjN2MycTo83hC7SxBeORrrR8-ov7O1FA'); }); Please enable Javascript to watch. [ Image via screengrab ] —— >> Follow Evan McMurry (@evanmcmurry) on Twitter ...

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