Thursday, March 15, 2012

4G networks and ICS phones expand

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March 15, 2012

Lynn La Lynn La
Associate editor
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4G networks and ICS phones expand
Three of the big four U.S. carriers all announced this week that they will be increasing their 4G coverage. Although AT&T and T-Mobile are looking toward a few dozen cities to expand their 4G and 4G LTE networks, Verizon wants to double its LTE breadth to at least 400 markets by the end of this year. Meanwhile, Samsung and HTC stated that they will be updating some of their phones to Android Ice Cream Sandwich.

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HTC confirms slew of Ice Cream Sandwich updates | Share on Facebook 

    Samsung Galaxy S II (U.S. Cellular)
Samsung Galaxy S II (U.S. Cellular)
Despite being on a slower network and having a steep price, this high-end Android phone is excellent. The Samsung Galaxy S II has a superb 8-megapixel camera, a beautiful 4.5-inch Super AMOLED Plus screen, and a 1.2GHz dual-core processor.

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    LG Connect 4G (MetroPCS)
LG Connect 4G (MetroPCS)
What we liked most about the LG Connect 4G was its snappy dual-core processor, beautiful display, and superb audio playback. Despite it having some unnecessary bloatware, this prepaid device is solid.

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    Samsung Brightside (Verizon Wireless)
Samsung Brightside (Verizon Wireless)
Coming out of its cage is the Samsung Brightside, a QWERTY keyboard sporting phone. Unfortunately, it has a underwhelming camera, processor, and resolution capacity, so we're not opening up our eager eyes for this one.

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    Samsung Rugby Smart (AT&T)
Samsung Rugby Smart (AT&T)
If you want a phone that can take a beating, look no further than the Samsung Rugby Smart. It's a slim, rugged handset that can withstand a dunking and a slam against the wall. Not to mention, it has a vibrant AMOLED screen and runs on 4G.

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    ZTE Chorus (Cricket Wireless)
ZTE Chorus (Cricket Wireless)
If you like to groove, consider the ZTE Chorus. It comes with a music subscription service that enables you to download thousands of albums and songs. Be aware though, it's not the fastest phone, nor is it on the fastest network.

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 First time smartphone!
  I'm purchasing my first smartphone soon. I prefer Android and I have been looking mostly at Samsungs and HTCs, especially the new Galaxy Nexus and S II. I need an unlocked phone and am willing to spend money, but it has to be worth it and last me a while. I would like something with a decent camera and good music playing technology. Thanks for the advice!  Read full quote
Posted by kerryms from the Cell phones forum
  Great 4G smartphones
  Samsung Exhibit II 4G - marine blue (T-Mobile)

  HTC Evo Design 4G (Sprint)

  Samsung Focus Flash (AT&T)

  HTC Amaze 4G - white (T-Mobile)

  Samsung Galaxy S II Skyrocket - black (AT&T)

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